Workshop by Peter-Conrad Beyer

Workshop di Peter-Conrad Beyer

Digitally made flicker techniques on DaVinci Resolve
Introduction to Single Frame Editing / Flicker in Moving Image
Workshop by Peter-Conrad Beyer
thursday june 15 2023 at 3:00pm at Museo Hermann Nitsch (vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/d Napoli)

We will analyse films by Paul Sharits, Ken Jacobs, Sylvia Schedelbauer and mine to take into consideration the theories on working with (single) frames in moving image, as well as the translation of the filmic ideas into abstract screen lands.
Where does the term Flicker originate and how do we define it? The focus within this theoretical debate is how one can deliberately, with the help of rapidly changing images, have an influence on the viewers affectations and can transport them into specific emotional states. We will evaluate further how contra-induced image construction can suspend certain emotions.

Introduction into digital-nonlinear editing, using the software DaVinci Resolve. We focus on experimental film techniques, working with single frame patterns, composing with single video frames like music notes on a music sheet.
A pool of moving image material (found footage) will be available to work. With this given moving image, we carry out various editing exercises in fast cuts / flicker, and experiment with form and content in digital film editing. The workshop participants create their own short experimental film sequences.
Participant Tools: personal laptop (Mac/Pc) with preinstalled software DaVinci Resolve (check the functioning is a necessary pre-condition). No furthermore experience / skills necessary

Participant fee € 15,00
For the subscription, send an email to

Peter-Conrad Beyer is an experimental film-maker, attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Braunschweig (2000-06); he later studied as a post-graduate at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne (2007-10). He lives and works in Stralsund at the Baltic Sea.

Museo Hermann Nitsch
Thursday, 15 June, 2023 - 15:00